Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Lego Tree Of Life

This morning Charlie's friend, Adonis, took a tiny Lego piece out of his coat pocket and tossed it into our front lawn proclaiming it unwanted as he had already chewed on it.  Charlie seemed offended and told me what had just happened as if I had not seen. Adonis bent over and picked it back up and listened as I told them, "Maybe it will grow into a Lego tree." He tossed it back to the ground.

We spent the next few minutes waiting for the bus thinking up all the wonderful parts this tree could grow. Little Lego people. Cars, boats. Handcuffs. I said that I thought Lego handcuffs might not work too well as they could just unsnap very easily, but my son assured me that there were Lego handcuffs and that they don't come apart. Okay.

Waiting for the bus can be fun. 

As for the Tree of Life in the title - I've been doing a lot of Redboxing with my herniated disk/pinched nerve/sciatica/lateral shift - it's a movie Charlie and I watched, well he watched the end part.  A very strange movie.  Something would happen and he would say, "Mommy, why did that happen?" and I would say, "I don't know honey, this is a strange movie."  And a few minutes it would happen again.  It was like a very abstract Groundhog Day.

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