Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sweet Baby Cousin

Yesterday the family drove up to Boston to welcome the new baby. We just couldn't wait to meet Elle!  As we were pulling up Aunt Mary and Uncle Wes were on their way to grab something to eat so we joined them.  The new parents were all smiles - we hadn't expected to see Mary up and around so soon!
Back at the hospital I was the first to hold Isabella.  Charlie thought she was so neat.  Uncle Wes picked up the camera and started shooting.  (I am so glad he did, but I think it was on the wrong setting.)  Charlie and I unswaddled her a bit so that he could rub the baby's teeny tiny feet, which look very much like Great Gram's.  Charlie soon discovered that Elle doesn't like it when her feet get cold.


Aunt Mary and Uncle Wes said he could hold her so he sat on my lap.  He is a really good big cousin!  He looked right at her and spoke real soft.  When we were done Aunt Mary rewrapped Elle but first she had to unwrap her and this made her cry!  Just a sweet little wail. This must have been when Charlie decided Elle does NOT like it when her feet get cold.  Do I see tiny slippers in her future?

We brought a few gifts - this is the new bear Baby Elle got from her big cousin.

1 comment:

wes said...

That's my fault on the focus. Mary has some good pics of you guys though. Elle loves her cousin! And she loves her swing...